Little Saints CBD Mocktail - A Product Review

Nov 02, 2021

Little Saints Mocktails for Anxiety - A Raw Review

I experience symptoms of anxiety regularly. If you are someone who deals with anxiety while faced with even the most normal everyday tasks, you may share my sentiments and discomfort. Dealing with the stressors that come with being a parent, a partner, and just another young adult trying to figure out their way in the world as we know it can be a bit daunting sometimes and could certainly cause some stress and worry. So, naturally, I have been seeking out relief. Those who know me well enough know that I am not one to turn to doctors or pharmaceuticals at the drop of a dime, so I started looking into CBD. CBD, or cannabidiol is another compound found in cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD is considered non-psychoactive. So you won’t feel “high.” Being that CBD is naturally occurring and has milder possible side effects in comparison to artificially-made prescription drugs, I was more than willing to try it out.


Currently, my favorite way to consume CBD is the Little Saints mocktails. The packaging and design of their product really draws me in. It’s advertised as a “plant magic mocktail”, which I find super intriguing and fun. Each can contains 10mg of CBD, botanical terpenes (to help you feel relaxed and happy), and reishi mushroom extract (helps to promote memory and energy, alongside having anti-aging properties). These adaptogens help to stabilize targeted physiological processes and promote homeostasis within the body - now that’s what I call plant magic! 


I’m a huge fan of any product that has clean plant-based ingredients because it leaves all the guesswork and worry out of wondering what you are truly putting in your body. These CBD beverages come in two different flavors: Ginger Mule and Plant Loma. I actually have grown to love both of them equally. The Ginger Mule might make you purse your lips a little but it’s so refreshing to drink when it’s ice cold! 


These mocktails are just so convenient for me. I can pop one open to drink and within 10-15 minutes or so, I start to feel my nerves completely mellow out. I like to drink one first thing in the morning if I know I have a busy day ahead of me and they’re a life saver in the heat of the moment as well. It completely knocks the edge off and helps me refocus my mind to continue on with my day in a happier, refreshed state. 


If you deal with a lot of stress or anxiety I highly recommend giving this product a chance. Often,  I get so overwhelmed sometimes that it seems like the only thing that could help at that moment is a reset button - it’s like my whole body chemistry needs to be rebalanced. CBD is my reset button. Between the racing thoughts, increased heart rate, irritability, trouble concentrating, and just overall sense of tension going on in my body, it’s difficult to illustrate what I go through. If you could imagine my anxiety physically appearing to your eyes like an energetic aura surrounding me that’s completely out of whack, with streams and bits moving frantically in every direction possible— CBD is what slows down every chaotic particle of my energy and reels it back into my center. I am reacquainted with my inner peace again. 


It never ceases to amaze me how many remedies and keys to health and wellness lie right under our noses, in nature. Thankfully we have companies like Little Saints so that we can turn back to nature to help resolve our imbalances. 


**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. This is a personal testimony to my experience using CBD products. You may have a similar or completely different experience. One size does not fit all when it comes to health and wellness. Always consult with your doctor especially if you take other medications**



RIZE is a registered Michigan Limited Liability Corporation, and not affiliated with any other state or national organization. All information on our website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice under any circumstance. Always consult your primary care physician or other qualified healthcare provider prior to using marijuana or a marijuana product for treatment of a medical condition. 

12 Feb, 2023
Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate the special bond of love that we share with our significant others. And for many couples, cannabis can be a powerful tool to enhance intimacy and deepen emotional connections. One of the most profound effects of cannabis is its ability to create empathy and understanding. When consumed, cannabis can reduce feelings of anxiety and paranoia, and increase feelings of warmth and compassion. This can make communicating and connecting with our loved ones easier, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships. Cannabis can also be used to enhance intimacy in the bedroom. By reducing inhibitions and increasing pleasure, cannabis can help couples to be more open and adventurous in their lovemaking. According to a survey conducted by the website HelloMD , over 60% of couples who use cannabis reported that it improved their sexual experiences. Cannabis can also promote patience and understanding. It can be helpful in situations where one person is feeling more anxious or stressed, and the other person is feeling more relaxed. By helping to balance emotions and improve communication, cannabis can create an environment where both partners feel more comfortable and understood. In Michigan, Rize Stores offer a wide range of cannabis products that can be used to enhance intimacy and connection. From sensual topicals and aphrodisiac edibles to relaxing strains of flowers and concentrates, Rize Stores has something for everyone looking to improve their love life. It's important to note that cannabis should be used responsibly, and always with the guidance of a medical professional. And as always, it's important to start low and go slow when trying a new product or strain. In conclusion, as we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's take a moment to acknowledge the powerful role that cannabis can play in enhancing intimacy and connection with our loved ones. It's a day to appreciate the bond of love that we share with our significant others, and cannabis can be a powerful tool in improving the quality of our relationships. Rize Stores in Michigan offer a wide range of products that can help couples to create deeper emotional connections, and invite you to join the Rize Family and discover the benefits of cannabis for yourself. Whether it's through a shared joint, a relaxing massage with a cannabis-infused topical, or a romantic dinner with cannabis-infused edibles, cannabis can be a powerful tool to help couples to connect on a deeper level. On this Valentine's Day, let's take the time to appreciate the special bond we share with our loved ones, and explore the ways that cannabis can help to enhance intimacy and deepen emotional connections. Let's embrace the power of cannabis to bring us closer together and create more meaningful, loving relationships. Corey Formolo, Director of Cultivation and Business Development References: HelloMD (2017). Women and Cannabis: How They're Using It and How It's Working. Russo, E. B. (2011). Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects. British Journal of Pharmacology, 163(7), 1344-1364. Zvolensky, M. J., Bonn-Miller, M. O., & Bernstein, A. (2015). Cannabis use and emotional regulation in daily life: an experience sampling study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71(6), 474-485.
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