Cannabis for Beginners

May 06, 2021

The First Steps of Your Cannabis Journey


While the roots of Michigan’s cannabis culture run deep, with recreational legalization we are seeing much of our community emerge from the underground and into the light of day. With the end of the dark days of cannabis prohibition, attitudes in the larger Michigander community are softening, beginning to change. As attitudes change and awareness spreads, more adults from all walks of life are choosing cannabis and cannabis products. In order to serve the needs of many different types of cannabis users in the shop, I rely on my years of experience, but I try to never lose sight of this: every day is someone's first day.

In honor of the first-timers out there, it seems right to offer some words of wisdom on how to get off on the right track. With the blooming markets bringing innovation, there are more ways than ever before to enjoy the benefits of cannabis. No matter which way you choose, here are five nugs of my best advice for cannabis beginners.




Decide which way is best for you. For some, like myself, smoking cannabis flower will be an excellent choice and its use should seem familiar. Others may prefer vaporizing concentrates, considered by many to be less odorous as well as less harsh than smoking. Still, others may prefer the discretion and great flavors afforded by edibles. Consider what your needs are and discuss your options with a Cannabis Consultant to find a method of use that fits right for you. 



Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid? 


Many, if not most cannabis products, especially cannabis flower and not as often edibles, will specify what type of cannabis plant the product is sourced from. All strains of cannabis are either an indica, a sativa, or a hybrid of the two, and you’re going to want to know the difference. 



Keep in mind that the following descriptions are “common” reactions to the different types of strains, based on personal experiences and the reported experiences of others. Your mileage can easily vary and there is nothing wrong with that.


- Indica products tend to carry a more significant body-buzz and are renowned for their relaxing feeling they can induce. Remember: “indica is in da’ couch.” Can make some people sleepy.
- Sativa products tend to carry a more significant head-buzz and are said to energize and even stimulate creativity. Can make some people anxious.


- Hybrid products blend qualities of both sativa and indica strains in varying degrees, often resulting in powerful overall euphoria.

For first-timers especially, using cannabis is nothing that should be entered into carelessly. It is best to clear a reasonable block of time in your schedule where you fully relax, such as a few hours before bedtime or perhaps on a beautiful weekend afternoon.  Next, you’ll need an ideal place to use your product. It should be a place that you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. Have some of your favorite snacks and drinks prepared beforehand to avoid rummaging through the cupboards later. Prepare a playlist of music that you love or have a favorite show queued up to stream - you’ll be thanking yourself later.

Have Patience
If, after using your product, you find you did not experience what you thought you would, you may be tempted to use more of your product. I would urge caution. Be patient. Wait it out. Depending on your method of use, you can reasonably expect anywhere between 15 minutes to three hours or more before feeling the full effects. The last thing you want is to misjudge the situation and end up having a bad time because the effects become stronger or last longer than you intended. Err on the side of caution and be sure to follow instructions on the package carefully. 


Ask Questions


Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Here at the shop, we pride ourselves on breaking it down for people because knowledgeable people are empowered people. But many of us have friends, family, and loved ones with valuable experience with different products, strains, methods of use, great albums to listen to, etc. These folks in our lives can be invaluable resources to learn from as well. As you wave away the fog of unfamiliarity and uncertainty, you will become more comfortable with cannabis, which will only go to improve the quality of your time using it. The only foolish question is the one left unasked.


RIZE is a registered Michigan Limited Liability Corporation, and not affiliated with any other state or national organization. All information on our website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice under any circumstance. Always consult your primary care physician or other qualified healthcare provider prior to using marijuana or a marijuana product for treatment of a medical condition. 

12 Feb, 2023
Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate the special bond of love that we share with our significant others. And for many couples, cannabis can be a powerful tool to enhance intimacy and deepen emotional connections. One of the most profound effects of cannabis is its ability to create empathy and understanding. When consumed, cannabis can reduce feelings of anxiety and paranoia, and increase feelings of warmth and compassion. This can make communicating and connecting with our loved ones easier, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships. Cannabis can also be used to enhance intimacy in the bedroom. By reducing inhibitions and increasing pleasure, cannabis can help couples to be more open and adventurous in their lovemaking. According to a survey conducted by the website HelloMD , over 60% of couples who use cannabis reported that it improved their sexual experiences. Cannabis can also promote patience and understanding. It can be helpful in situations where one person is feeling more anxious or stressed, and the other person is feeling more relaxed. By helping to balance emotions and improve communication, cannabis can create an environment where both partners feel more comfortable and understood. In Michigan, Rize Stores offer a wide range of cannabis products that can be used to enhance intimacy and connection. From sensual topicals and aphrodisiac edibles to relaxing strains of flowers and concentrates, Rize Stores has something for everyone looking to improve their love life. It's important to note that cannabis should be used responsibly, and always with the guidance of a medical professional. And as always, it's important to start low and go slow when trying a new product or strain. In conclusion, as we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's take a moment to acknowledge the powerful role that cannabis can play in enhancing intimacy and connection with our loved ones. It's a day to appreciate the bond of love that we share with our significant others, and cannabis can be a powerful tool in improving the quality of our relationships. Rize Stores in Michigan offer a wide range of products that can help couples to create deeper emotional connections, and invite you to join the Rize Family and discover the benefits of cannabis for yourself. Whether it's through a shared joint, a relaxing massage with a cannabis-infused topical, or a romantic dinner with cannabis-infused edibles, cannabis can be a powerful tool to help couples to connect on a deeper level. On this Valentine's Day, let's take the time to appreciate the special bond we share with our loved ones, and explore the ways that cannabis can help to enhance intimacy and deepen emotional connections. Let's embrace the power of cannabis to bring us closer together and create more meaningful, loving relationships. Corey Formolo, Director of Cultivation and Business Development References: HelloMD (2017). Women and Cannabis: How They're Using It and How It's Working. Russo, E. B. (2011). Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects. British Journal of Pharmacology, 163(7), 1344-1364. Zvolensky, M. J., Bonn-Miller, M. O., & Bernstein, A. (2015). Cannabis use and emotional regulation in daily life: an experience sampling study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71(6), 474-485.
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